J Brand is known for their great fit & I love these yummy colors we have in stock for fall. If you haven't tried a pair you must! As this Labor Day weekend brings an official close to summer get your closets ready for a Fabulous Fall!
Fashion Friday
I wish I could tell you I have been lounging on the beach with my toes in the sand these last few weeks but no such luck! We have been busy at the store & at home gearing up for Fall & getting back into the swing of things. It is always hard to transition from those lazy summer days but Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I love waking up & starting the day out with a cool, crisp morning (& no humidity!) But more than that I love Fall clothes. I am definitely a denim girl & I love a cozy chunky sweater & riding boots paired with them. Our Fashion Friday post features a fashionable update on this classic look pairing colored denim with some of our fave boots from Frye & Tory Burch.
Kindergarten Blues
Whew! I don't know where to start. This week has been an emotional one that culminated this morning when I took my baby to her first day of Kindergarten. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason & that God has a plan for all of us. But I will be the first to admit this week has been challenging. Earlier this spring my mother suffered a mild heart attack, so mild in fact that no one knew it happened until very recently. Earlier this week she had a heart cath done to see if they could determine if some of her breathing problems were stemming from this. My mom can't walk 10 feet without getting very labored & the humidity has made it really difficult for her. So while I sat in the waiting room my husband called from home to tell me his back went out. I have to admit I thought it was no big deal & he would be recovered when I got home. No such luck, he has been on his back in bed since Wed. He is using a walker to get to the shower & that is about as far as he can go. It has been hard to see him in so much pain & our girls were scared to see their Daddy this way. But he is working through it & getting a little better each day.
This morning was the end to my emotional roller coaster. Lulu headed off to Kindergarten!
I was filled with extreme joy, pride, & sadness all at the same time. This is my baby! She had declared all summer she was staying with me. But this morning she was the first out of bed & so excited. I was glad that she was so ready to go but sad that she has grown up so fast. This weekend we watched some of our old home movies & the day Louisa was born was on there. I couldn't stop crying. I looked at she Mary Scott & wondered when my babies had turned into little ladies. They bring me so much joy but it breaks my heart to know that chapter in my life is closed. John found these pictures this morning & I couldn't believe how much they had changed.
This was Mary Scott's first day of Kindergarten. Look at what a baby she was! And Lulu was just 2. They gave both grown so much.
They have changed so much! And they are wonderful little girls. I am sure you get tired of me going on & on but truly they have filled our lives with such joy. So even though I didn't make it out of Lulu's class today without crying I am happy for what is to come. They have brought us so much joy & I know this next chapter in life will too!
This morning was the end to my emotional roller coaster. Lulu headed off to Kindergarten!
I was filled with extreme joy, pride, & sadness all at the same time. This is my baby! She had declared all summer she was staying with me. But this morning she was the first out of bed & so excited. I was glad that she was so ready to go but sad that she has grown up so fast. This weekend we watched some of our old home movies & the day Louisa was born was on there. I couldn't stop crying. I looked at she Mary Scott & wondered when my babies had turned into little ladies. They bring me so much joy but it breaks my heart to know that chapter in my life is closed. John found these pictures this morning & I couldn't believe how much they had changed.
This was Mary Scott's first day of Kindergarten. Look at what a baby she was! And Lulu was just 2. They gave both grown so much.
They have changed so much! And they are wonderful little girls. I am sure you get tired of me going on & on but truly they have filled our lives with such joy. So even though I didn't make it out of Lulu's class today without crying I am happy for what is to come. They have brought us so much joy & I know this next chapter in life will too!
100 Things I Want to Tell My Daughter
Summer is moving way too quickly around here & school starts in just one week. I know a lot of moms count down to those days with happy anticipation but I am always a little sad to see our carefree sun-filled days come to an end. This summer has been especially bittersweet & nostalgic for me as we celebrated some milestones. Lulu turned 5 just a few short weeks ago & is heading off to Kindergarten & Mary Scott seems to get more mature with every passing day. My babies have turned into little girls & I find myself wanting to turn back the clock & really enjoy the years that have already passed with a new found appreciation. I wish I had played more & worked less, been more spontaneous with them, & that I could turn off my worry button that is on a constant loop. But I know I can't stop time or even turn back the clock. So I have vowed to try & live more in the moment & appreciate the blessings God has bestowed on me. Paperwork & dishes can always wait. I came across this blog via Pinterest just a few nights ago & I thought it was very fitting for where I am in my life right now. While there are some items I don't think we will be discussing for a while, Lisa-Jo Baker imparts some wise words of wisdom....
100 Things I Want to Teach My Daughter
- Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of body.
- The benefit of the doubt is sometimes the best gift we can give our friends.
- There will always be mean girls – that doesn’t mean we find a tower and Rapunzel ourselves away from the world.
- Your daddy has loved you better and longer than any boy ever will.
- Your brothers will teach you how boys should treat you.
- You’re always welcome in my wardrobe.
- The world needs your point of view.
- Food is a joy.
- Your body is strong and capable of more than you can imagine right now.
Ice cream is a love language.
- Cook, decorate, clean, organize because you love to, not because someone tells you you’re meant to.
- Music makes everything better.
- Dance – especially when you’re doing the laundry.
- You’ll never be too old for me to rock you.
- Nothing you tell me will ever make me want to stop hearing from you.
- We need your story.
- No prayer request is ever too small, too silly or too embarrassing to share.
- Washing your face every night is the best kind of beauty routine.
- Sunscreen – you got my British genes.
Mr. Darcy and popcorn make for a perfect evening.
- Blue eyes really do melt hearts. ( I would insert BROWN here!)
- Betty Crocker’s chocolate fudge is the best in the world.
- A good movie can change how you understand someone else.
- Words can build bridges between people.
- Home is not where we live but who we love.
- Gumboot dancing.
- Your name holds a special meaning for us.
- Inevitably I will splinter your heart. But we will tweeze it out together.
- You taught me how to feel beautiful.
Staying up late to read a good book is never time wasted.
- Good girls aren’t boring.
- A great mascara is always worth the investment.
- 4pm high tea is one of the best parts of being part South African.
- The “mommy wars” are a myth; we’re all in this together.
- The best way never to worry about anyone gossiping about you is never to gossip about anybody.
- Saying sorry first is a sign of strength not a weakness.
- I’m on your side; especially on the days when it doesn’t feel like it.
- Your body is not just yours. It’s a gift for your husband. I promise it’s worth waiting to unwrap together.
- Sex for the first time will require a beautiful sense of humor and a partner who’s in it for life.
The movies lie. Passion isn’t a contorted exercise on a marble staircase, it’s doing the dishes together and lying with your feet touching in bed at the end of a long day.
- Marriage is an act of courage, commitment and sacrifice. It’s also the most fun you’ll ever have with your best friend.
- Always fight fair. But don’t be afraid to fight.
- Long hair requires a really good conditioner.
- God says He has made all things beautiful – that includes you, my love – no matter how you feel about your body
- Fashion is not my forte; I look forward to learning from you.
- I love the curves you and your brothers added to my body.
- A good cry is great therapy.
- Christian women aren’t immune from cliques. Love on regardless.
- Bad hair days are inevitable.
A strong man is never threatened by a strong woman.
- Go big even if it means failing big. Especially then.
- Be the friend you wish you had.
- Travel.
- You can’t control what others think about you. Let it go.
- A first kiss should be toasted, treasured, savored.
- I will be your best friend. But I will be your mother more.
- Your dad will teach you about music. He has the best eclectic taste.
- You can’t go wrong with The Civil Wars
- Stop for sunsets.
Prince Charming isn’t a fairytale, he’s a myth
- Daughters teach us about our mothers. You gave me back my mom.
- Jesus loves you for you. Not for your ability to bear children.
- Husbands need a wife. Not another mom.
- It’s true what they say about childbirth and then some.
- Love waits.
- Patience is never wasted.
- Don’t just Instagram your life. Live it.
- Dad will be the one helping you with math homework.
- Don’t be afraid of a broken heart.
The only thing holding you back from making a difference in the world will be yourself.
- South African pancakes are better than American ones.
- Girlfriends are the best kind of free therapy there is.
- Don’t be afraid to be foolish.
- Real life is always better than online.
- A good friend loves at all times. Period.
- Read everything written by Madeleine L’Engle
- Eating too much nerds candy
will be something your teeth make you regret in your thirties.
- I’m more interested in your growth than your happiness.
- I will earthquake wide open when you hurt.
If it makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t do it, wear it or say it.
- Challenge yourself.
- Walk across the Charles Bridge in Prague.
- Learn at least one other language.
- Cross-cultural marriage is much harder than you can ever imagine when you first fall in love.
- Homesickness never gets easier.
- But Dramamine is the perfect cure for motion sickness on 18 hour flights.
- We need each other.
- Bad haircuts grow out eventually.
- You will love again.
The painful truth is always easier than a messy lie.
- Jesus loves you, this I know. In my heart, my bones, my soul.
- There’s no such thing as perfect.
- You can always come home.
- Nothing will make me love you less.
- Nothing will make me love you more.
- The mirror is not the boss of you.
- You’re the most brave when you’re the most scared and keep going anyway.
- Womanhood is a gift.
- I’m never tired of being your mother.
- You will always be my baby girl.
Obviously, I need to tweak some of these to fit my girls. But the sentiment is the same. I want them to be prepared for the world they are living in & I want them to know they are loved (by their father & me) UNCONDITIONALLY, NO MATTER WHAT! Lisa-Jo seems like a mom who has it together. She has inspired me to write down my own words of wisdom for my girlies. Of course this can wait until next week when the school bell has rung. This week we have games to play, sand to stick our toes in, & snuggles & kisses to give!
Fashion Friday
Thank goodness it's Friday! I have been playing catch-up all week trying to get shoe orders finished up & the mountain of laundry scaled down. I have decided to surrender to the chaos today & head to the beach with my girlies! We have one week left of school & I want to enjoy this time with them before we have to get back to the grind. But don't worry, today's Fashion Friday post is ready & waiting. It features a trend that is very big for fall, the peplum. Whether you wear it on a top, jaket, or dress it's very flattering on almost everyone. What's not to love about this flirty, fun detail? But we'll let you be the judge of that!
As you can see, the peplum has even taken Hollywood by storm. So what do you think Fashion followers, is it a do or a don't?
The Big Apple
About two weeks ago Caroline & I went up to NY for our Spring/Summer 2013 buy. That's right, Fall has not even blown a cool breeze our way but we are thinking a year ahead here! This was Caroline's first buying trip with me so it was fun to show her all of our favorite showrooms. We ended our first day of shopping buying at Kate Spade's new showroom. Kate did not disappoint. Girl knows how to rock the Whimsy! The new digs were fab, filled with lots of girlie details & color. Here are some of my favorite things in her new space!
I also loved the windows at one of my fave all time designers, Mr. Louis Vuitton. I'm sensing a theme with all of the 3-D flowers!
I loved these flowers made from paper she had climbing up the walls |
Who doesn't love a little bling! |
Sitting pretty! |
I know this one is a little strange but the detail was A-Mazing! And who am I to debate the genius of Mr. Vuitton, or his window dressers! The big debate was whether this was a live model or not. I'm telling you she had tiny wrinkles in her hands & face that made me think she was real. But she never moved & we were there several minutes waiting to see if she would. Caroline even broke down & did the running man to make her laugh but nothing. Wish I had a picture of that!
Then we were off to the maven of all things fashion, Mrs. Tory Burch! Love her showroom with all of the brass & lucite. She keeps things very monochromatic with orange & green so it's not too over the top.
![]() |
Who doesn't love some blue & white china! |
My final destination was the mecca of all things fashion & girl in the Big Apple.
That's right, you guessed it...American Girl. I am sure that was on the top of all of your lists! I was given a list of wants needs from Lulu before I left. So I decided to get her birthday gift marked off my list. She did not get this VW but I loved it. My girls play PunchBug anytime we are in the car & I thought this was adorable. I guess I can start using my "Santa is watching" mantra a little early this year!
Lulu's Mermaid Lagoon
After much preparation & a few tears we were finally able to celebrate Lulu's party in true mermaid fashion. The weather did not cooperate & we had to cancel the party Saturday afternoon after going back & forth (hence the tears!) But the sun was shining Sunday & so was my little Queen of the Sea!
The birthday girl was all smiles!
We rented a bouncy waterslide & the children loved it.
We started with her invitation & it took off from there...
Guests were greeted by Lulu's favorite mermaid...
The favor table was covered with a tablecloth I made from paper to look like a mermaid's tail. It was a little time-consuming but the details are definitely what makes a party memorable! I loved the finished look it gave the table & it mimicked the scales on the background of her invitation.
I kept things very simple with fresh fruit, homemade cupcakes & these adorable cookies.
Aren't these the cutest, they even look like my sweet Lulu! |
The birthday girl was all smiles!
We rented a bouncy waterslide & the children loved it.
Fashion Friday
Sorry for the white noise lovelies! More on that next week, with lots of fun pics I promise! Believe it or not, Fall is right around the corner & it can't get here soon enough for me. While I love heading to the beach during the summer I am truly a fall girl at heart. I love pulling on my boots & cozy sweaters, watching the leaves turn, & starting the day with a cool crisp bite in the air (not this constant humidity!) To get you starting to think in that direction, this weeks Fashion Friday features some of our favorite pieces from our fave designer Milly!
We are loving the jewel tones she uses & I just adore the girly details & embellishments Milly is known for. These pieces are light enough to wear as we begin transitioning into Fall in the next few weeks (Yes I did say in a few weeks!) but they will carry you though the Fall season & can easily be layered as the weather gets cooler. Milly has quickly become a fave in our store & has long held a special place in my heart. After a week at market & few weeks planning Lulu's mermaid party I am ready for a date night out with the Mr. I'm thinking that jeweled top & petal skirt is just what I need to channel my inner-mermaid!
***As always, any of the pieces featured here can be shipped anywhere that you call home! Call us at 919-967-6830 for more details.
We are loving the jewel tones she uses & I just adore the girly details & embellishments Milly is known for. These pieces are light enough to wear as we begin transitioning into Fall in the next few weeks (Yes I did say in a few weeks!) but they will carry you though the Fall season & can easily be layered as the weather gets cooler. Milly has quickly become a fave in our store & has long held a special place in my heart. After a week at market & few weeks planning Lulu's mermaid party I am ready for a date night out with the Mr. I'm thinking that jeweled top & petal skirt is just what I need to channel my inner-mermaid!
***As always, any of the pieces featured here can be shipped anywhere that you call home! Call us at 919-967-6830 for more details.
Happy Birthday Lulu!
I just couldn't let today pass without wishing my little ladybug Lulu a very Happy Birthday! She has brought us 5 years of immeasurable joy, pride, & love. I can remember worrying when I was pregnant that I just couldn't love another child as much as I did my first. But boy was I ever wrong! She is my baby, the one with so much spunk & spirit that I often times worry what harm will come to her with her "No Fear" mentality. At the same time she is often a little clingy in new situations & afraid of the tiniest noises. She is a contradiction in life as all women should be! She is the best of all things: she loves fiercely with all her heart, adores all things sparkly, & has a wicked sense of humor!
Happy birthday my darling, darling girl! I can only hope that your life will be filled with as much joy as you have brought us in these 5 short years! XOXOXO
Happy birthday my darling, darling girl! I can only hope that your life will be filled with as much joy as you have brought us in these 5 short years! XOXOXO
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