As I told you last week, we have had so much going on here at home. While it is always with such pride & joy that I watch my daughters excel in their accomplishments, it is also with a heavy heart. Last week was the end of a chapter for me. My little Lulu graduated preschool. That's right, my baby is heading off to Kindergarten in the fall & Mommy is in full pity-party mode! The Mr. has tried to be supportive as he's watched this emotional roller coaster from the sidelines. And by supportive I mean he's poured himself lots of extra cocktails to help ease my sorrows.
Lulu's last preschool fieldtrip.
My little fairy dancing her heart out at her recital!
Graduating from preschool. |
So I will begin to
try and graciously prepare myself for this next phase in life. A phase where I am the mother of two little ladies & not babies. A phase where another becomes the teacher. A phase where both my children spend more time with their new teachers than with the one who taught them to love unconditionally. A phase where I will have to let go just a little (baby steps here, people!)
I know I should be thankful for all of my blessings (& I am!) I just didn't expect those blessings to grow up so quickly....
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